Thursday, October 21, 2010

10moy2010 politics the demonology

witchcraft? politics, news, and demonology. -------- how did this happen to us? I almost don't want to fallow politics any more because of the insane demonology. If you don't dress a certain way or speak a certain way and preform all the rituals correct according to some you are shunned and out casted by the high priests of good and evil.
"" I'm not a witch ""
Attacks from the party on the left and the left wing news HACKS makes politics looks like a convention of crazy. What happen to the party of tolerance? -------------------- ☯ Yin and yang ☯ light and dark, politics and demonology. ------------------- breaking the code! I'm beginning to think it's allllll a llllie and a sham. We are feed bread and circuses and tolled to shut up and not to question the great and mighty OZ. then they pretend to be in control but really they are powerless. and the more they desperately try to cling on to power the more they screw things up. ---------------

lets say goodbye the the ugly gorgons of lies trying to cast a spell [FUD] on us all. we can think this threw comely and with sound reason vOTE against the political hacks that rely on demonology scare tactics. ---------- who now? the now? ⚔ and NOW then came a new party rebels and misfits to challenge the status qua and rock the boat.⚔ Rocking the boat is good probably the best way to deal this sort of socialist [demonology]. just don't play their game of fear uncertainty and doubt , play your game STRONGER. Rocking the boat. no more hive-mind no more journalist play the role of pundit. no more pundits posing as journalist. --------- " edit October 2010 ,th ,28th. "

opera ate my bookmarks 10moy2010

WHYYYYYY!!!!!!!!?????? ---------- 10moy2010 BLOG webby log. the foul beast ate my bookmarks.

damn you opera, you ate my bookmarks. boom they where just gone. I had opera and bookmarks, then closed opera for a few minutes to use firefox on a couple of page operas no good at. Then i shut firefox and fired up OPERA to do my normal web surfing and BOOM no more opera bookmarks. Opera you foul beast shame on you. but lucky i use firefox from time to time . and i import my opera [bookmarks.adr] to firefox for backup. So it's a good thing i dont trust OPERA and had my bookmarks backed up to firefox and usb flash drives. opera shame on you.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

1024x768 wallpaper june-10th-y2010 ascii

source 1280x860

ascii 1024x768
1024x721 transition image.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

1024x768 ascii wallpaper fem-azn

wallpaper for old 1024x768 crt.

1024x768 wallpaper ascii

ascii car wallpaper 1024x768 for my old crt.........
gimp outpute pnm for(aview)

Friday, May 14, 2010

rage 2010,phx, La Máquina

beans beans beans deport them all 2010. what ? Why did the left turn a simple illegal immigration law into another political high JACKING. This should not be another political flag pole that the dems- get to hang their hats on. Pretending to love Mexicans more than the rep-s is a joke just to grab votes.. and Mexicans pretending to love illegal immigrates is a joke to, because if there was a LARGE ( Asian illegal immigration population )in phx the Mexicans would be all for deporting the Asians --------------- screw or get screwed. some one is all ways going to get the short end of the stick.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

wallpaper hurt.

wallpaper emo -@- April 28th 20ten.

Big FN-gun wallpaper.

generic wallpaper post -@- April 28th 20ten.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

mencoder wmv to divx dx50 for sd 480p tv lowrez.

source wmv. source aspect 1.77 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (no)me_range=2 (no)vme=2 (yes):mpeg_quant # works ok on sd 480p tv's (yes)vqscale=5 # works ok on sd 480p tv's (yes):mbd=0: (yes)v4mv: (yes)vqmin=2: (yes)vqmax=10: (yes)vqdiff=3 #default is 3 (yes)vratetol=8000 #default is 8000 (yes)vqcomp=0.5: (yes)vqblur=0.5 $ nice -n 19 mencoder -sws 2 -ofps 25 \ -oac mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=192:vol=0 \ -ffourcc DX50 \ -vf scale=704:398,harddup -aspect 1.77 \ -ovc lavc -lavcopts \ vcodec=mpeg4:mpeg_quant:vqscale=5:mbd=0:v4mv:\ vqmin=3:vqmax=10:vqdiff=3:\ vratetol=8000:vqcomp=0.5:vqblur=0.5\ -o step3-created-DX50-subHQ-tv--.AVI \ foo*.wmv ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ notes mybox = vqscale=[1-31] Constant quantizer /: constant quality encoding (selects fixed quantizer mode). A lower value means better quality but larger files (default: 0 (disabled)). 1 is not recommended (see vqmin for details). #################### ### Motion estimation ### mbd=[0-2] ! ! !! !!! !!!!!! Macroblock decision algorithm (high quality mode), encode each macro block in all modes and choose the best. This is slow but results in better quality and file size. Use mbcmp (default). Select the MB mode which needs the fewest bits (=vhq). Select the MB mode which has the best rate distortion. vhq Same as mbd=1, kept for compatibility reasons. .................................. !!!!!!!!!!!!!v4mv!!!!!!!!!!!!! v4mv Allow 4 motion vectors per macroblock (slightly better quality). Works better if used with mbd set greater than 0 ?????? ######################### ## Quantization ########## mbqmin=[1-31] obsolete, use vqmin
mbqmax=<[-31] obsolete, use vqmax
vqdiff=[1-31] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maximum quantizer difference between consecutive I- or P-frames (pass 1/:2) (default: 3) ####################### ## Quantization part3 ##########3 mpeg_quant *!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Use MPEG quantizers instead of H.263. ################### ####(rate conctrol)######## vratetol=[value] approximated file size tolerance in kbit. 1000-100000 is a sane range. (warning: 1kbit = 1000 bits) (default: 8000) NOTE: vratetol should not be too large during the second pass or there might be problems if vrc_(min|max)rate is used. ....................... vqcomp=[0.0-1.0] Quantizer compression, vrc_eq depends upon this (pass 1/:2) (default: 0.5). For instance, assuming the default rate control equation is used, if vqcomp=1.0, the ratecontrol allocates to each frame the number of bits needed to encode them all at the same QP. If vqcomp=0.0, the ratecontrol allocates the same number of bits to each frame, i.e. strict CBR. NOTE: Those are extreme settings and should never be used. Perceptual quality will be optimal somewhere in between these two extremes.
.......... vqblur=[0.0-1.0] (pass one) Quantizer blur (default: 0.5), larger values will average the quantizer more over time (slower change). Quantizer blur disabled. Average the quantizer over all previous frames. ####################################

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

easyconverter zenity pluss ffmpeg revised for my setup

easyconverter uses zenity as a front end for ffmpeg to transcode audio file file. used it for converting mp3 files to ogg. BUT i had to chang the file a litle to get better audio quality. NOTE one of the changes i made was "-aq 100" and few other UGLY hacks and small work-arounds. -------------------------------------------
" ./ " almost worked for me but i did have to coment out a few line and edit some other lines to get it to work for me. " Changes for my setup." for i in *.$vanform; do ffmpeg -i $i -acodec "$formaat" -aq 100 "${i%.mp3}*new-out-file-foo.ogg" 2>&1 | zenity --progress --text="Converting: $i" --title="$titel" --auto-close --pulsate echo $i gedaan done i all so commented out# the confirm #mapcheck= directory section because it was not working for me.
also note that it did not work for me on FILES with blank spaces like so ( 01 track mystify.mp3) so i had to rename my files first to something like ( 01_track_mystify.mp3). It took some short work to debug to get things to work for my setup (vector-linux6 lite). ================= (EasyConverter) home page. links: ================= (ffmpeg) scripts: links:

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

ffmpeg vextor-linux webcam video4linux2

vector-linux Vector linux = uses * ( LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/ ) Vector Linux = and uses * ( -f video4linux2 ) thats video 4 linux TWO Debian uses * ( -f video4linux ) thats video 4 linux ONE. ================ ffmpeg web cam recording vector/linux $ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/ ffmpeg -f oss -i /dev/dsp -acodec mp3 \ -f video4linux2 -s 352x288 -r 30000/1001 -i /dev/video0 \ -qmin 4 -qmax 4 -b 500 \ -aspect 4:3 -f avi -vcodec msmpeg4 -r 30000/1001 -y tvffmpeg--msmpeg-with-mp3sound-q4.avi ============================= It's taking me a while to get use to Vector-Linux. With debian enabling the debian multi media repo made installing video editing software kind of easy. But doing video editing with Vector-Linux takes some work to install KDENLIVE and cinelerra but it can be done. ********************************** video transcoder ffmpeg and video editor kdenlive (build) (ffmpeg) and (kdenlive) for vector-linux to install a custom build of ffmpeg i used LINK: heres a how to do it VIDEO. Part 1. Upgrading and packaging ffmpeg from a 3rd party SlackBuild.
direct link @ it worked for me BUT i did not follow the TUT letter for letter. * I was not able to get slackbuild to install apps but it did a good job compiling the apps so i let it do that then i ran " make install " ass root. my new ffmpeg worked great but from time to tine updates kind of fouled it up so i reinstall it when that happens. so don't delete the source when your done make a backup and reinstall ffmpeg from that. update do break things from time to time when you install 3rd party apps. *********************************** video editor (cinelarra) verssion (cinelerra-20080527-i686-1as.tgz ) ( 3rd party) (binary) from .... worked ok for me. but i did have to reinstall ffmpeg after installing cinelarra and i was not able to get my web cam to save mpeg file from cinelarra so i save my video as ms-avi's and that worked for me. NOTE recording my webcam from cinelarra the audio was all ways out of sync so thats why i use command line instead. command line apps are a lot more flexible to work with. *********************************** VOIP (skype) When i use Vector_Linux.....@$
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/ skype " was needed for me to get my web cam to work with CAM programs like skype .

Monday, March 1, 2010

opera paragraph user css opt

@charset "utf-8"; /* Name: 1490680842 Accessibility layout Copyright 2007 Opera Software */ p { font-family: sans-serif !important; font-size: 18px !important; text-align: left !important; text-transform: none !important; text-decoration: none !important; word-spacing: 0.4mm !important; letter-spacing: 0.2mm !important; line-height: 1.4em !important; color: black !important; width: auto !important; max-width: none !important; min-width: 0px !important; height: auto !important; max-height: none !important; min-height: 0px !important; } I cut and paste the ABOVE section from operas "accessibility's . css " NOTE: and then placed it to my "/opt/user.css" directory because it's easier to find and edit on my system. Then make shure to point opera at it. GOTO ( view * style * manage mode * display ) and point it to your new css file. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX now pagegs that use the (p) paragraph tag don't look as crapy. browser (fud)

March 1st 2010 browser (fud)

browser (fud), it tooooook me fore ever to sign into blogspot using opera today. " i cleared the cache, then deleted overrides, restarted , and used F5 but it still took a long time for opera and blogspot to start working again."

blogspot and opera are both starting to fall apart. opera still does a crappy job with the paragraph tap

and my "user.csss" is crap that barely works.

turn off screen blanking vector linux

setterm -blank 0 -powersave off -powerdown 0 xset s off XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CODE: $ nano .xinitrc XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX setterm -blank 0 -powersave off -powerdown 0 xset s off

Saturday, February 20, 2010

linux set date

$ # date -s "2 OCT 2006 18:00:00 PM PST" root:# date -s " Fri Feb 19 06:56:00 PM PST 2010" ######################### After running date, run: as root# sudo /sbin/hwclock --systohc This will set the hardware clock to the system time, thus syncing the two (unless your hardware clock is UTC. If so, sudo /sbin/hwclock --systohc --utc will set it correctly) ################ lets hope this works on my crapy dell gx260 clock.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

opera ugly fonts - disable core fonts

the ugly OPERA core x fonts where driving me crazy. Now things look ok to me. Back to normal . (links) thank you //// for bloggers///

Saturday, February 6, 2010

PcLinux fubar fast crap in a bottle

PcLinux os fast crap in a bottle . // PcLinux is fast but unstable crap. bottled crap don't use synaptic are it will start to fall a part and become unusable. " yep that sucks. " PcLinux is a nice live Cd but like most if not all live Cd's they become unstable once installed on your DESKTOP because of broken packages out dated packages mixed with new packages the clobber dependencies and config files.
================================== vector linux verses PcLinux. Because PcLinux failed to remain stable on my OLD DESKTOP I installed vector linux #6 - lite on my old pent4 systems. / Vector #6 feels a little bit slower than PcLinux. but Vector has been much much much more stable for me. I have been updating my vector desktop with gslapt for a couple of days now without braking anything yet. But on the other hand BAD bottled PcLinux broke on after only playing with it's packmanager. Because PcLinux is poorly bottle it tends to shatter ============================= Other baddly bottled crack pot ideas. g\GDM verses KDM. I don't know why or how but the stupid GDM on vector linux was over written and replaced with KDM. FUBAR gslapt let KDM take over my login without my permission. / as log as i can still login i can live with it for now. I guese thats just what i get for installing KDE apps like k3b on a icewm system.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

FUBAR bad capacitors on old mobo

I can fix it ? i bought new caps from ( )
==================== all i should need is a lot of luck with soldering and 12 NEW caps : ( Rubycon MCZ 1500uf 6.3v 10mm $0.50, 200/$60.00 ) and that should work. -------------------- I bought the new caps for [00.50 cent each] and now i'm waiting for deliver from UPS. ===================== I removed the 12 old caps. 12 old burned out ( 1500uf 6.3v 10mm ) capacitors. OLD pent4 mobo's where junk made with crapy low end capacitors. When i get te new caps in. it will be time to rebuild and and solder my own refurbished computer. " DIY "

Thursday, January 7, 2010

2k ten and kittens foo2

(Cats)? I have a new cat so the blog comes second now.
(OPERA)? on linux my Opera web browser decided to break on me this last month 12moy2009. So now I'm using GALEON web browser on linux. GALEON has some of the best font settings and web page scale option out of the box. But will galeon do a good job scaling images for me. The way opera scales images is one of the chief reasons i use it. Galeon focuses on web page render and tabs. galeon is not a multipass bloated web-broweser that trys to "i-m , email , file share ,p2p , chat ,socail network, and all that other bloat. ----------------------------
If Galeon had a flash-block plugin , it would be even better. Perhaps theres a bookmarklet for that. (2k ten) --------------------------


(epiphany) 1moy2010 / 10th-day now i'm using the Epiphany web-browser epiphany can be grocked to block flash and block ads. blocking flash with mozillas xpi file is a kludge but it works. And blocking ads can be done with a custom file# (.gnome2/epiphany/user-stylesheet.css ) ###------- thats were the magic takes place --- ### @import url(chrome://flashblock/content/flashblock.css); @import url("ad_blocking.css"); @import url("user_fonts.css"); IT WORKS a google search can dig up more dirt on this. opera / #1 , but getting bloated. firefox2 / is #2 for user haxor epiphany / is #3 for user tweeking. failfox3 / is #4 coming up short for XUL runner braking crap. galeon2 / is last #5 for more XUL runner braking crap. kazehakase / is #6 for usine a name kazehakase arora / is #7 worst small fonts ever. netsurf / is #8 no tabs.
----------------------- ( other funky part time jobbers ) dillo "is ok but no flash and no plugins makes it only a part time browser for me." Konqueror " way to over kill, need a lot of hacking to get set up rite with it." google chrome " DO NO EVIL? " i'll pass. links2 " only when i'm stuck at terminal." ................ .......