Wednesday, April 15, 2009

april 15th 2009 FOX-News pwns msnbc

April 15th 2009 Tea party

MSNBC trips all over the ( TAX DAY TEA PARTY ) third rail. MSNBC insults of the tea parties were design to take the peaceful protest and try to channel them into angry bitter hatred. (hatred) The media cancer that is Olbermann and Madcow insulted the Tea Parties over and over again. Was a Big mistake. (msnbc's hatred) Their insults excluded them from c_o_v_e_ring the tea parties fairly like (a proper journalist) should cover these LARGE public protests. (Fox network listened) The voices of the average guy was welcomed by the tea Parties. Neil Cavuto:FOX Business did a good job as journalist/annalist and listed to the voices of the average guy @ the Tea Parties. (fox-news is willing listen.) That is why FOX keeps winning in the ratings. THANK YOU FOX-network FOR NOT ignoring the average guy.

time for a reboot

--------------------------- MSNB and CNN could not be more wrong about the tea parties..

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