Monday, July 6, 2009

Moonday Sunday left-over rumors

Moonday Sunday left-over rumors 7moy2009/ july 6TH
wacko wacko wacko wacko wacko. buzz buzz buzz busy bee goes buzz. When did the news turn into nothing but rumors. Is factual new dead. ---------------------------- I know most blogs deal in bunk rumors but why do real news networks stoop to the same low standards of blogs. ----------------------------- wacko is turned into a "legend".\ for being a marketing nutjob. But Governor Sara gets toasted for standing buy her family. -------------------- anthony-wardcraft-weapon2008 here... i give up the low standards of blogs dealing in rumors suck. Lets get back to a more factual prototype. Bloging just for luz gets very boring over time. pluss the same rumors all weakend long is very --- dull, boring, unentertaining, uninteresting, flat, unimaginative, commonplace, pedestrian, stupid, slow, insipid, vapid, humdrum, monotonous, plodding, tiresome, tedious.

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