Tuesday, September 22, 2009

MS-n-b-c cant shoot straight.

MS-n-b-c cant shoot straight. ............................
CNN attacks FOX new only because fox news is on top. CNN completely ignores the deviant liars at MSNBC because msnbc is loosing the rating and msnbc is in-bed with the left. ............................... My question is why are the news networks not addressing all the facts about Obomas poorly thought out Health bill. DO WE NEED A GOVERNMENT health care OPTION? Why do we neeed a government option? Was there an AUDIT done to proove we need a government health care plan? *was there an AUDIT done to estimate the real cost of health care. If so , where and when did this happen and were are all the numbers hiding at.
How can you say we need a new health care system with out doing a BIG PUBLIC AUDIT. And Why don't you make the audit public and transparent. You cant' just make this shit up and expect every one to be all right with Big-Government-Health-Care. Don't hide the cost before and after. * Who STANDS to gain. Who stands to loose. -------------------------- (scare tactics) The bull shit leftist are bull shiting and making up false fears. BECAUSE no one did a real financial AUDIT of the health-care and health insurance systems. HOW do we know what this thing will cost and how BIG it will growwwwwwwww ........................ -------------------------- (armature hour) Welcome to the SYSTEM of deceit and cover ups. This is the BIG Government way. "Obama" is going off half cocked without doing an audit first. and the liberal new h-a-c-k-s are going along for the ride. Is This change we can believe in. --------------------------

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