Saturday, February 6, 2010

PcLinux fubar fast crap in a bottle

PcLinux os fast crap in a bottle . // PcLinux is fast but unstable crap. bottled crap don't use synaptic are it will start to fall a part and become unusable. " yep that sucks. " PcLinux is a nice live Cd but like most if not all live Cd's they become unstable once installed on your DESKTOP because of broken packages out dated packages mixed with new packages the clobber dependencies and config files.
================================== vector linux verses PcLinux. Because PcLinux failed to remain stable on my OLD DESKTOP I installed vector linux #6 - lite on my old pent4 systems. / Vector #6 feels a little bit slower than PcLinux. but Vector has been much much much more stable for me. I have been updating my vector desktop with gslapt for a couple of days now without braking anything yet. But on the other hand BAD bottled PcLinux broke on after only playing with it's packmanager. Because PcLinux is poorly bottle it tends to shatter ============================= Other baddly bottled crack pot ideas. g\GDM verses KDM. I don't know why or how but the stupid GDM on vector linux was over written and replaced with KDM. FUBAR gslapt let KDM take over my login without my permission. / as log as i can still login i can live with it for now. I guese thats just what i get for installing KDE apps like k3b on a icewm system.

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