Sunday, June 22, 2008

marginal Philosophy making (pundits-gone-wild )

" ( marginal Philosophy making ) "

# 2008/June/22ND

( media cancer ? )

Cable news channels and news media in general have a cancer. UBER bias and partisan pundits keep fucking things up. UBER dick heads like Keith Olbermann are a disgrace to the medium. Has every thing turned in to a lame faux reality newsiness medium now? Olbermann is clearly a bias whack job and a cancer.

links :
(Olbermann )

# 2008 June 22nd.
 this is just my opinion.
 There's a cancer in cable news.

( Media bias and political bias support gone wild )

( THE old paradigm is destroyed. )
( Non-partisans have been marginalized )

I could be more interested in democratic party politics if . If their party wasn't so infected by whack jobs in the media . Bias partisan T.V. host have become a cancer. If every thing wasn't so bias and politically driven by career head hunting for bigger better status and


( evils of bias media ) I just don't like the way some of the whack job T.V. media host use THE CULT OF FAME and the tools of the T.V. medium , and celebrity to brain fuck people and piss all over less liberal peoples beliefs. Hyper critical T.V. host now belittle those of other belief but are blindly bias to their own ( one sided cause ). " This type of news-host are a cancer to the medium of T.V. news and the new business in general. "

# 2008/June/22nd
( talking news monkeys )
You all know who you are.
Don't try to tell me how to think.
Don't try to tell me who to vote for.
Don't try to tell me who to DISLIKE.
Don't try to tell me who to LIKE.
Your job is not to push a cause...
 or your own movement
Your job is not to push...
 your own self interests OR is it ?
Your job is not to create ...
 and misshape philosophy.
You job is not to...
 publicly lynch strangers...
   you have never met.
MODERATE the pundits but,
 don't pretend to be one yourself.
Your job is to report the news.

filed under political-cancer. bias-news, pundits-gone-wild.

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