Saturday, June 21, 2008

NON-partisan revision.


( NON-Partisan ) edition

#  2008/June/21ST.
 ??? (Non-Partisan) ??? to any party.
1). Revision : Can I drop my party affiliations and go with out voting for any party. 2). True indie no affiliation : independent of parties and free to vote (Non-Partisan) to any party... and free from their doctrines free to think for my self.

Trading in the yellow brick road for gold and green.

more money, more money, more money, that's whats Obama is thinking about. I "HOPE " he believes in more than just money, but since he's a lawyer I doubt that. " Have you met a lawyer you can trust ? "

Politician's and lawyers think their above ever one else don't they? (DEMOCRATS) bigger government more laws more people telling us whats best for us.
##################################### CROSS-OVER VOTING: If you are a non-partisan voter (registered as Decline to State), you can cross party lines (for this Primary election ONLY) and vote one of these three parties: Democratic, Republican, or American Independent at the polls. source from : ######################################## (Non-Partisan) :

Time for a change

true independent Non-Partisan and no more parties. I'm not a nihlist are a anarchist I just don't TRUST any one . Some of the things I'm tired of rite now. The DMV, the government left and right, and lawyers.
filed under Non-Partisan , wooha.

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