Saturday, November 8, 2008

Guilt by association W.

2008 // NOV // 8TH. from the land of oz. Guilt by association Main article: Association fallacy Guilt by association can sometimes also be a type of ad hominem fallacy, if the argument attacks a person because of the similarity between the views of someone making an argument and other proponents of the argument. This form of the argument is as follows: Person A makes claim P. Group B also make claim P. Therefore, person A is a member of group B. Example: "You say the gap between the rich and poor is unacceptable, but communists also say this, therefore you are a communist" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////" doctrine of that one." Bush is president. W. Bush supported the war. you supported the war. the economy is bad . Bush is Bad the war is bad. if you are elected you are the new-Bush and the economy will stay bad. That's the doctrine of that-one. filed under :: generic. # politics

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