Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dem0crat Obama CRISIS MaNiA tour #2009

CRISIS MaNiA tour feb 18TH 2009. Obama CRISIS MaNiA tour #2009
Crisis. Crisis. Crisis..Crisis.. Crisis...Crisis....Crisis... Crisis.....Crisis.....Crisis.....Crisis.....Crisis..... Obama crisis mania.
Socialist dictator Obama, LOVES the word crisis.
(CRISIS) #SH!t #FDS crisis (WAG THE DOG) SH!t , is SH!t. #SH!t #fds Democrat's fear mongering. when you have no real plan just trie to scare every one. thats the DEMOCRAT WAY. (A) First they try to scare you. # doom and gloom. (B) then they atemp to disenfranchise your personal beliefs and brake youy spirit. #so they can try to devourer your free will. (C) NOW they try to make you broke. # tax # tax # tax (d) then they offer a boobie trapped olive branch. # and once they have you sucking on the socialist tit you can't escape. # they get rich and you get under nourishied and perish. # your under nourished brain turns to mush. # watch TV eat fast food and die.
sign this-------------
(dem0cratzzz play book) #socialist playbook. The arra signing speach ( crisis ) Sh!t is fear mongering. Why do people vote for Dem0crats. they use the same old play book over and over again. Dem0crats Emotional lize their fat lazy base. becuase? their (fat lazy) base have no interest in facts. ra ra ra go team. (ra ra ra go team.) (dem0cratzzz play book) #socialist playbook. lets forget the facts. lets not form a sound plan. lets just ra ra ra go team,,, and force it down every ones throat. #rape (crisis) Bad political theater is rape. stop using the word crisis. um um um. LOOK get it under control. and stop saying crisis, SPREAD some confidence idiot. um um um stop fear mongering.
distraction ( WAG THE DOG ) Afghanistan is Obama-mania's wag the dog.
we were told
gitmo would be closing But Obama-mania wants to play tough guy with Afghanistan he's going to chase Bin-Laden into a cave and get him. ( WAG THE DOG )
(ARRA) Can Obama mania use the word crisis any more. Obama mania's dramatic over use of the word crisis is a sad old over used joke. (political theater) if were so broke why did you spend ($600'000 #estimated) just to fly to Arizona to sigh the arra stimulus bill? It cost a lot of money to fly cross county on air foice one. The ligisticts are expessive you love to spend tax money don't you?
CNN sucks miss-ms-nbc is cancer

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