Sunday, April 22, 2007

What's ustream ?

I was listening to Leo Laporte's radio show
when he referred/commented about his chat room and
ustream sounded intresting so I gave it a look.
uSTREAM is a site for streaming your video live.
ustream uses java and flash to broadcast.
it didn't work for me becuase I didn't have Java on my
linux computer." I distrust java ."
I can't find any good java apps.

It took me a while to find the correct download from java.sun for my linux computer.
Once i downloaded the file I realy did not know what to do with it.

I try to follow their directions but I did not get it to work so i tryed something different.

I downloaded a older version and copied the older version
to my opt directory and made a simlink of the plugings for my firefox brwoser - "from my browsers plugin directory ".

#ln -s /opt/jre1_5_0/plugin/i386/ns7/
well that worked better then when i tryed it the first time
without the symlink "dah" nothing workd.
but with the symlink "dah" the test on SUN's site worked. So what was left do do was test
out a couple of games and then go test
firefox worked ok.
ice weasel worked ok.
opera did not work right away.
I had the right plugin for but opera ignored the plugin
opera : neaded to be setup first to use java.
For opera : go to preferences / advance / content and then
" java options..."
java options : now you got to point opra towards your java install directory and that should work.
test java by turning it on in your options and head over to .
I got the old version of java to work so I retried the newer version of java and got it to work also.
If i would just read the instructions it would of been much easier me. :-)
Well I perfer the opt directory for non essential apps so I put
the new version of JAVA their as well.
and linked the newer version of java to my newest version of
Opera and it works ok.
now if i can only good java apps.
A google search of " java and jar "only turns up junk.
spam spam spam. shareware bs ware scam ware pay ware.
bla bla bla bla.
I all ready have good free apps for linux that dont need
and I have some windows apps I run with wine.

# Is JAVA worth using are learning. #

I played some of the free games and I diidn't like them much. had some links to sites that play old nes
games I gave that a try and got bores real fast.
I have most of those game already for more playstaion and my sega dreamcast.
roms and emulation " nesterDc 3.0 "

I haven't used my dream cast in a long time but I have
disks with better games than those internet sites .

use nescafe to emulate th nes system.
nescafe is a java app that play old nes games.
google nescafe you'll find it.
I will close this post and maybe post some screan shots later
on some other day.
If grows bigger it will be fun to watch but right now it's just a geak thing with nerd posting web cam stuff.
YOUTUBE : is not live but it's big and has a lot of content
USTREAM : needs more content ... but the live stuff is cool.
start the live broadcast revolution.
i will spell check this post later. me no spell so good.

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