Saturday, April 21, 2007

youtube [ Psycic Powers ] 00

WARDCRAFT : youtube [ Psycic Powers ] - Thats freeking crazy. - The other day I b*tched on my blog about youtube falling apart and how they need fix what ever it is thats making their data base out of sync and their dead out dated links. bla bla bla this video has been removed by user / DMCA . - And today April 20th 2007 their all about system Maintenance. - Ya well is it to late to fix their system? Is googtube falling apart before or eyes? youtube stomped all over Bleach today and yesterday they wasted no time deleating videos. I watched Bleach 122 today it was good and read the manga for the first time. I kind of like the manga alittle but whats messed up is that i'm hooked ad i will probly keep reading and end up spoiling my adiction to the anime. spoilers suck. whats the point in wathing is you know the out come . " psycics must have a boring life." - " thats why their so crazy they over compensate." - " I don't need the drama youtube... we must remove the phycic link we made , kill two chickens and call me in the morning. That should fix the server errors your having." - April 21 2007 - 1:23 AM and youtube is still fubartube. - Things are still all felled up at youtube. lets see if they fix it by tomorrow. # Lets test my Phycic powers .# # No youtube will not be fixed by tomorrow .# # Yes google is going to ruin youtube. # ----------------------------------------- I think googles revenue sharing plans for youtube is bs. their willbe a couple of flukes that let some user in a cobal make money. But I think the only ones that are going to truely make money of the system will be google. Google wwill find a way to make money even if it meens scewing their users. ----------------------------------------- # todays lucky number is 00 # : ) - 2:07 AM wow my user page is finaly in sync thanks.

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