Thursday, July 10, 2008

Emusic and Amazon mp3 downloads dmr free.

Emusic. free trial is bull shit. emusic free trial ony works if you use a credit card. EMUSIC : pre paid debit cards will not work on emusic subscription service but you can buy your self a gift card for three month of service... ~ AMAZON: pre paid debit cash cards work. pay as you go 89 cents or 99 cents per song. ~ Pre paid debit cards can be bought at wallgreens, rite aid , wallmart , and from many other retailers .

use a debit card online

I will not use a credit cards on line i like to use pre paid debit cards.
emusic is a subscription service. Amazon is pay as you go.

Downloading mp3 on linux

don't use the software. Emusic and amazon mp3 both have software thats supose to work on some linux OS's. BUT I used only my Opera webrowser to download from amazon mp3. ( AMAZON MP3 DOWNLOADS ) amazon will ask you to download their software by default but they allso give you a link to click as a preferance to download mp3 with out the amazon software. ( Amazon software ) 1) " The amazon software is needed to download whole full; complete albums. but if you just want one song at a time one perchase at a time your web browser is all you need. ~ 2) " I didn't know that untill I gave it a try, I was ready to buy my songs from my windows XP machine using the software from amazon but when i found out i could do it from my linux pc with only my browser I was pleased. "

Final notes :
1st place = ( Amazon )mp3  dmr free.

( service PLAN ):
amazon pay as you go.

pre paid  . = yes. 

( COST ) *
cost = 89 cents  * to 99  cents ( US ).
2nd place = ( Emusic ) mp3 dmr free

( service plan ) :
long turm subscriptions..
minimum 3 month.
pre paid debit = NO !
credit card = yes
buy your self a gift card = maybe ?

Amazon has a larger catalog of music.
Emusic's catalog is smaller and not as good.
filed under for ( linux ) e-commerce , music-downloads , dmr-free

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