Sunday, July 27, 2008


~/.qt/qtrc is were qtconfig saves settings for qt aps. but aps like opera ignores most of the font setting which left me with small fonts on the opera web-browser menu and bookmarks. ~ but there's a work around. 1).open opera. 2). Type opera:config into opera's url bar. 3).then change the font size for menu. 4).save and restart opera. All done. Now opera is usable again for me. I don't like small fonts. Now i can use my 1024x768 desktop settings and I don't have to switch back to 800x600 just to see big fonts.
#------------------ # filed under it took me to day's of googling to find the solution to fix the small menu font problem but's finaly fixed now. #--------------- # filed under linux , QT3 , qtconfig , and , opera:config

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