Saturday, January 17, 2009

some cold globalwarming... making stuff up...

some cold globalwarming... making stuff up? How is global warming real, when every year i see on the news that the north is hit again by another record cold white out. --------------------------------- ( weather extremes.) or extreme weather is what i see. not global warming. But is it realy extreme weather or "extreme news coverage"? The media is every were now, and weres there's suffering the vampire news media loves to show up. -------------------------------- It's about suffering. the media wants you to suffer and belive it's the end of days. They want you to cower around the TV and be miserable. It's for real they want you to suffer. --------------------------------- I don't want to suffer.... because of the news media's love of schadenfreude. So i reject their beliefs and ugly distored fake-reality. lrn2internet. turn of the TV and get away from the TV. no more "fear,isolation,and,worry". JUST SAY NO TO FUD.


Anonymous said...


That is exactly my views too... Isn't it time to realize the consequences of global warming... thanks a lot for this post.. It is a real eye opener...

Anthony_-_GoveRnator_-_bacon said...

green power is bull shit.
global warming is lie.
get over it.