Sunday, February 11, 2007

Wario Blogging for money."blogging sux"

"Do you belive this sh*t."
How do blogs make money.
I think it's just a lot of B.S.
I read a few blogs every now and then that claim
that their making lots and lots of money.
But usually I have never read of any of these blog sites
becasue they suck.
so what if I'm impatient.
Make money now.
spam spam spam
money site are usually just a pile crap links any way.
Just look at some of the sites that claim to make money.
What the f.u.c.k. is a (blog roll)
Blog roll are just a fucked up way of trading links to improve search engine rankings
and thus get a bigger audience to make more money.
f.u.c.k their sites they suck every time I look at them.
A pure blog is broke and done with a passion - not with a eye on your wallet.
money bloggers you suck.
"WARDCRAFT" bloggers suck:
I'm back updating this post and some reviews.
I took a look at ( and read some of their propaganda.
The trick is not to blog but to become some sort of marketing guru

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